AAC Block Products

AAC Block Products

Rocksolid Products


AAC blocks are a lightweight yet strong building material used in construction projects ranging from small residential homes to larger commercial projects. Made of autoclaved aerated concrete, these blocks are composed of cement, lime, sand, water, and an expanding agent. AAC blocks are highly durable, fire resistant, mold and mildew resistant, and are even soundproof, making them an ideal material for any building project.

They are extremely energy efficient and can even reduce construction costs due to their light weight and ease of installation. Additionally, these blocks are environmentally friendly, being made from natural and recycled materials. With their numerous benefits, AAC blocks are the perfect material for any construction project.

Blocks come in a variety of styles and sizes. The most common block size is 120cm (24") long, 20cm (8") high, and comes in range of thicknesses from 10cm (4") up to 60cm (12"), and more.

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